Spinal Cord Injury FAQ

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While many people may have a basic understanding of a spinal cord injury, there are some things that not a lot of people understand. At Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs, our Houston spinal cord injury attorneys understand that this type of situation can be difficult. Because of this, we want to make sure people understand the potential issues that are associated with spinal cord injury, the severity of the injuries, and the potential expenses victims can expect.

What Causes a Spinal Cord Injury?

Spinal cord injuries are caused by any impact that damages or bruises the spinal cord. This is often the result of serious trauma such as a fall from a height, a car crash, or a sports injury. There are numerous types of incidents — many caused by negligence — that could cause a spinal cord injury.

What Can a Spinal Cord Injury Do to the Body?

A serious spinal cord injury can result in paralysis. This means the victim will lose control over a portion or all of the body below the point of the injury. Paralysis can be either total or partial, and can be categorized as paraplegia or quadriplegia depending on the location and severity of the injury.

What Is Partial and Total Paralysis?

When a person becomes partially paralyzed, they lose control over one side of their body. For instance, it could result in the victim being unable to use their left or right leg, but still have control over the other. With total paralysis, the victim loses control over both sides of the body below the point of the injury.

What Is the Difference Between Paraplegia and Quadriplegia?

Paraplegia refers to the paralysis affecting the lower extremities. Victims with paraplegia will still have use of their arms and hands. Quadriplegia means the victim has lost control of all four extremities — legs and arms.

What Is the Cost of Living with a Spinal Cord Injury?

Living with a spinal cord injury can result in millions of dollars’ worth of expenses on long-term medical care, in-home assistance, modifications to the home or vehicle, medical equipment, medication, and more.

Houston Spine Injury Lawyers

After sustaining a spinal cord injury due to an act of negligence, the victim should take the necessary steps to pursue legal action. This includes speaking with authorities if the injury was caused by a crash or an act of violence, seeking immediate medical treatment, and calling a lawyer to discuss all potential legal options. Our team knows how to handle these types of cases and is prepared to do what it takes to protect the rights of our clients.

Call us today to learn more about your potential lawsuit.

At Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs, we draw from over a century of combined legal know-how and expertise. With the tenacity to win and the resources to get us there, our lawyers provide strong representation for injured victims and their families.